Lørdag 7. mai 2022: I’M YOUR MAN (Sang nr 246 på 246 dager)


Tekst og melodi: Harald

Ha, ha! Mr Black is back!

Her hadde vi et kjempebra samarbeid, selv om Johnny ville bestemme alt, absolutt alt ..
Kule gitarer!
Kul bass!
Kul låt!


I’m your man


I’m your man – you didn’t know it

I’m your man ha, ha

Let me tell you – I’m your man

I’m your man – Nobody else


I’m yours for ever


I will kiss you – I will hug you

I’ll do anything for you babe

Don’t’t even try to cheat on me

If you cheat on me  – you will see

I’m your man


I’m your man – Nobody else

I’m your man – I know that you know

I’m your man


I will kiss you – I will hug you

I’ll do anything for you babe

Don’t’t even try to cheat on me

If you cheat on me  – you will see

I’m your man


Play the gitar!

Why did you leave me x 4

I’m the only one for you

I’m your man

You silly cow